Perfect Your Decluttering Routine

Year-end is a good time to donate unused items and establish a routine for daily, monthly, yearly and seasonal decluttering. It’s well documented that when you choose to declutter—and have less stuff—you can reap the rewards of a simpler life.


I’ve established some daily routines to provide for a more peaceful and organized day:


  1. Always make bed in the morning. There is some research that shows those who make their beds are happier than those who do not.
  2. Sort the mail. Make sure you don’t overlook important correspondence or let circulars and other “junk mail” pile up to the point it seems overwhelming.
  3. Clear kitchen sink of dishes and countertop of excess items. This allows you to begin the day with a clean slate, so to speak, so you can move forward with tasks like meal preparation without needing to clean up yesterday’s mess first.
  4. Put dog toys back in their basket at the end of the day. The same goes for children’s toys, which can serve as trip hazards and detract from your home’s décor.
  5. Put away clothes and other items before bedtime. You’ll feel more productive and ready for the day when you’re not dealing with clothing or things you used yesterday.

You may also consider doing some monthly decluttering such as going through your closet and your desk drawers, some seasonal decluttering such as checking your laundry supplies, sorting through kids’ clothes and ensuring the garage is functional and timely, and some annual decluttering such as going through older paper files to see what you can shred.

Diane’s Take:  A clean and organized home contributes to productivity and well-being. The daily tasks noted above take a small amount of time but have a huge effect on your state of mind.  Who doesn’t want to start and end the day feeling calm, clear and organized?


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