As we get deeper into spring, I’m still motivated to organize, declutter and improve my home and surroundings. What about you? Last month, I debunked the notion that spring cleaning is limited to inside your home by focusing on actions you can take to spring clean your garage. Now, let’s take things a step further by looking at ways you can spring clean the exterior of your home as well as the property that surrounds it.

The outside of your home has an impact on how you feel and how others view what’s happening inside it. If the outside is well maintained, welcoming, attractive and organized, it’s a good reflection of a peaceful life. If it’s the opposite — reflecting a more chaotic existence — read on to discover how to make improvements:

1. Trim overgrown shrubs, trees and bushes, and plant colorful flowers.

2. Repaint a home that’s faded, has paint chipping or has outdated paint colors.

3. Power wash or hose driveways, decks and patios.

4. Clean patio furniture/cushions or replace items that are worn.

5. Throw away, recycle or donate items being stored outside that are no longer used and move what remains into the garage. If storage space is limited there, purchase a storage shed to house items.

Diane’s Take: Make sure you don’t fall short on your spring cleaning. The front of your home is an important place to start, and then assess what needs improvement and tackle an area every week. If DIY is not for you, hire a company to help with the updates. Living in Arizona has opened our eyes to sun, wind and wildlife damage. Keeping a home properly maintained is a full-time job but the benefits are so worth the time and effort. Happy spring cleaning!
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